what is AUROUS?
AUROUS: (au·rous, ȯrəs) adj., of or containing gold in its univalent state
UNIVALENT:(uni·va·lent, yü-ni-ˈvā-lənt ) adj., atomic unstable outer layer seeks to bond or to give away
AUROUS is a community of individuals bonding together through our own truth + light.
we are focused on giving as well as receiving to create stability + balance in our lives.
we have hearts of gold + we let them shine. we remain grounded + human. life is better together.
we are building on online community who are seeking yoga, wellness + oneness... one day, we will have a physical space for workshops, retreats, events + more. if you'd like to be a part of our online community + join us in movement, follow us on instagram @theroadtoaurous
AUROUS: (au·rous, ȯrəs) adj., of or containing gold in its univalent state
UNIVALENT:(uni·va·lent, yü-ni-ˈvā-lənt ) adj., atomic unstable outer layer seeks to bond or to give away
AUROUS is a community of individuals bonding together through our own truth + light.
we are focused on giving as well as receiving to create stability + balance in our lives.
we have hearts of gold + we let them shine. we remain grounded + human. life is better together.
we are building on online community who are seeking yoga, wellness + oneness... one day, we will have a physical space for workshops, retreats, events + more. if you'd like to be a part of our online community + join us in movement, follow us on instagram @theroadtoaurous